We are actively recruiting new members of the House of Representatives to the caucus. There is no membership fee or eligibility requirements, just an interest in supporting graduate student researchers! If that includes you, just contact one of the caucus co-chairs about joining:
If you are a Senator, we currently do not have an organized caucus on your side of the Hill. That said, if you are interested in helping to start a Senate GRAD Caucus, please reach out to us at grad-caucus-contact@mit.edu.
In order to support graduate student researchers, we need involvement from graduate students from across the country. We also welcome support from other members of the public, because the work the graduate students do impacts everyone. At this time there are a few ways to get involved.
The most compelling reason for a member of Congress to join the GRAD Caucus is if they know that it matters to their constituents, so the most important thing anyone can do currently to help support the GRAD Caucus is to urge your Representative to join the GRAD Caucus as a member. We provide resources on how to go about doing that here.
If you are a graduate student, someone who works in graduate educator, or just anyone who is looking to actively get involved with planning future caucus events, you can join our mailing list here.